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Reload is in a classification of its own. A true recovery formula from the most trusted name in sports nutrition, NutraBio, who believes in using only the most efficacious, clinically dosed, and research backed ingredients on the market without all the fluff. Reload contain no proprietary blends, fillers, excipients, chemicals, or any other harmful or unneeded additives. Only ingredients shown by science to work and produce results. No corners were cut in making Reload. It covers all the bases to help prevent muscle catabolism (breakdown) and fuel your anabolic desires using the following validated ingredients:

  • BCAAs in the scientifically studied 2:1:1 ratio (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) shown to promote muscle growth, recovery, and reduce training related soreness.
  • Glutamine to replenish energy for muscles (glycogen) after exhaustive exercise which may lead to quicker recovery.
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate to reduce oxidative muscle damage and muscular fatigue.
  • L-Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate which promotes anabolic and anti-catabolic responses in the body which may play a role in boosting recovery.
  • Glycine; which plays a critical role in repairing damaged muscle tissue and is necessary for the biosynthesis of creatine.
  • Beta-Alanine to buffer the negative side effects of hydrogen ion accumulation in muscles during and after intense exercise. This accumulation is thought to be the culprit behind DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).
  • Betaine Anhydrous to combat fatigue, lower levels of lactate, and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
  • Creatine Monohydrate and Creatine MagnaPower for greater strength, power, and muscle gains as well as increased solubility and absorption.
  • Taurine to decrease exercise induced DNA damage.
  • Electrolyte and hydration optimizer that helps maintain water balance in the muscle, facilitates motor neuron function, and increase exercise capacity.

While there are a multitude of products on the market that address pre, intra, and post workout supplementation, there are very few that address the nutrient and recovery needs of individuals after post workout supplementation, in between meals, and on non-training days. The strategic timing of proper nutrients, such as those found in Reload, taken over a 24 to 48-hour period after your workout ends can greatly affect levels of muscle protein synthesis (MPS); arguably the most important physiological factor in existence when it comes to muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Without proper nutrients MPS is minimized and the body is thrown into a negative protein balance which may lengthen recovery time, extend muscle soreness, and lessen gains in strength and size.

RELOAD Recovery Matix

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